Fair Housing and Disparate Impact Update

Paul Flogstad

Paul Flogstad

Paul has been involved in the real estate industry for the past 38 years. He has been involved in sales, construction, project management, appraisal, mortgage consulting and brokerage, property management and property management consulting/training. Through his consulting company, Property Management Solutions, he provides training and...
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60 Mins
Paul Flogstad

The United States Supreme Court on June 25, 2015, issued a long-awaited fair housing discrimination ruling. On April 4, 2016, HUD released a guidance letter regarding blanket criminal background checks. This is basically a type of disparate impact that affects those with criminal backgrounds. Under this guidance letter, Paul will examine the changes in policies and procedures of multifamily properties as to how to implement this guidance.

During the webinar, Paul will examine in detail all facets of this ruling and what it means under fair housing guidelines.

Webinar Objectives

  • Definition of Disparate Impact
  • What is “Adverse Impact”
  • How does this affect the protected classes?
  • How does this ruling affect development activities going forward?
  • Understanding the new HUD guidance letter and the impacts it will have on property owners and managers when it comes to applicants applying to your property who have a criminal or felony background, especially when you have a blanket policy of not allowing anyone with a criminal background.
  • How the ruling affects certain protected and non-protected classes.
  • What is the difference between arrests and convictions and how does that pertain to the guidance letter.

Webinar Agenda

  • Understanding the new HUD guidance letter and the impacts it will have on property owners and managers when it comes to applicants applying to your property who have a criminal or felony background, especially when you have a blanket policy of not allowing anyone with a criminal background.
  • How the ruling affects certain protected and non- protected classes.
  • What is the difference between arrests and convictions and how does that pertain to the guidance letter.

Webinar Highlights

This webinar will explore the basics of fair housing, disparate impact, and the new HUD ruling. There are going to be many changes coming because of this new guidance and after this webinar, attendees will understand the implications of all of these rulings and guidance. There will be time allowed for questions at the end of the webinar.

Who Should Attend

  • Owners
  • Property managers
  • Compliance staff
  • Housing Authorities

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